Copy-trading Solana Wallets With Cerberoge

Unlike many other Telegram trading bots, Cerberoge has working copy-trading feature. All you need is a wallet you want to copy-trade and 2 minutes.

copy trade crypto wallet solana trojan

Copy-trade view on Cerberoge

In order to create a copy trade, navigate to Copy Trade section of Cerberoge and click the “+” symbol in order to create a new wallet to copy trade. Youwill be shown this view:

copy-trade crypto wallet

Targeting wallet to copy trade

You will set a name for the wallet (i.e. WIF EARLY BUYER) set the traget solana wallet and set gas fees and slippages. The most important setting is “Buy percentage”. You can set a percentage to copy trade OR you can set a specific amount of SOL for each trade.

So your buy setting can be:

50 % → target wallet buys with 10 SOL, bot will buy with 5 SOL

1 → target buys with 10 SOL, bot will buy with 1 SOL

Please note: copy trading like this is not bullet proof. Biggest risk you are running (apart from the wallet you are copying being an idiot) is that when the bot copy buys/sells a token, it can fail due to slippage and for general Solana network slowness. This is not necessarily a problem when buying, but it might be a bigger issue when selling

There you go, now all you need is some wallet that you want to copy-trade and you are good to go! Happy hunting.


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